What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the Most Common autoimmune form of arthritis. When you have RA, your immune system starts to attack its own tissues, which makes your joints and other organs very inflamed.

This can make the joints hurt, become stiff, grow, and become less flexible. Most of the time, RA affects small joints in the wrists, hands, and feet. But it can also happen to bigger joints and organs like the lungs and eyes.

About 75% of people with RA are women. It happens to people of all ages, but most people first notice the signs between the ages of 30 and 50.

Unfortunately, there is no fix for RA yet, but there are many ways to treat and control the symptoms.

With the right treatments and an early diagnosis, symptoms can be eased and joint damage or paralysis can be avoided.

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Caused By:

The Human Immune System maintains health. It acts as a powerful first line of defence, combating viruses, germs, and cancer. The immune system can occasionally misinterpret harmless cells for dangerous ones. The body uses its own defences to attack itself when an autoimmune disease occurs.

When the immune system produces antibodies that harm the healthy joint linings, a condition known as rheumatoid arthritis develops.

Because of this, inflammation develops within your joint linings. Bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons in the area are vulnerable to chemical damage due to inflammation.

This damages the joints over time, making them misshapen and out of place until they are completely broken.

What Are 5 Common Risk Factors Of Rheumatoid Arthritis?


RA is more likely to happen to women than to men. Women younger than 50 are four to five times more likely to get it than men.


sometimes start in teens younger than 16 years old, which is called juvenile RA.

Family history:

RA is more likely to happen if someone in your family has had it.


Compared to men, women under the age of 55 who are obese are more likely to have RA.

Smoking and other environmental exposures:

RA is more likely to happen if you smoke or are exposed to asbestos or silica in the workplace.

If You Have Arthritis Pain, Can Pain O Soma Pills Help You Sleep Better?

In this section, we’ve seen that pain O Soma 350mg pills can be used to effectively treat joint pain.

According to logic, this means that you don’t have to have the trouble sleeping that you do every night because of the severe pain that comes from arthritis.

It is best to take Pain O Soma 500mg tablets at night for people who wish to try them as a potential treatment to help them sleep and reduce their arthritis pain.

You should take the medicine about two hours before you normally go to bed.

generally make the effects of Carisoprodol last until morning, letting you stay pain-free all night and get a good night’s sleep.

Common Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Symptoms of RA are generally easy to identify and should be treated quickly if the pain persists or worsens. Here are some signs and symptoms of RA:

  1. Joints that feel tender, swollen, or warm to the touch.
  2. Joint stiffness that is at its worst in the mornings or after exercise.
  3. Fever, loss of appetite, fatigue.
  4. Most people with early signs of RA experience pain or stiffness in their smaller joints such as the bones in your fingers and toes.
  5. As the disease goes untreated, however, it can spread to your wrists, neck, knees, ankles, elbows, and hip.

There are also some people (less than half of those with RA) who experience symptoms on non-joint related parts of the body, including:

  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Nerve Tissue
  • Bone Marrow

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments :

Your doctor will decide what kind of treatment to give you for rheumatoid arthritis based on:

  • Your medical history, age, and general health
  • The severity of the condition
  • Tolerance to particular treatments, procedures, or medications
  • What to expect from the condition’s course
  • Your choice or opinion


Some medicines may be used to ease the pain, others to reduce the swelling, and finally some to stop the disease from getting worse. Based on your symptoms and wishes, your doctor may use one or more of the following methods to treat you:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the pain
  2. Vitamin D and calcium are two examples of vitamins and minerals that can prevent bone distortion.
  3. Biologic medications, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors
  4. he anti-inflammatory drug corticosteroids


Protecting and strengthening weak joints is possible with the use of splints.

Physical therapy:

The damaged parts may benefit from physical therapy to help them move and become stronger.


If none of the above treatments work, surgery may be the only choice left. Talking to your doctor about surgery is the best way to make a choice. There are a number of different ways to fix or rebuild broken joints, such as:

1.Joint replacement:

People with serious arthritis may need this kind of surgery, which is also known as arthroplasty. Joint surgery might help with pain and make it easier to do things. In this case, an artificial joint is used to replace a joint that has been killed by the disease.

2.Joint fusion:

For this option, the joint is generally taken out and two ends of the bones are fused together. This makes one big bone that doesn’t have a joint. People with severe arthritis are most often given this choice. As soon as the bones are fused together, the painful movement stops in the fused joint.

It’s important to remember that surgery doesn’t fix the disease itself; it just fixes the problems that the illness caused. Rheumatoid arthritis can keep giving you trouble, and you might even need more surgery. For best control of this disease, you need to keep in close touch with your doctor.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Other Information

Are complications possible with rheumatoid arthritis?

RA is not just a problem of the joints; it can also impact other organs. As a result, rheumatoid arthritis that is left untreated or improperly managed can lead to anemia, lung fibrosis, an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, and potentially some types of cancer.

Learn More Information : Complete Guide to Arthritis

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